Home > Artworks > Keisha Arviso Díaz

Photo of Keisha Arviso Díaz United States
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Let me introduce myself really quick. I'm 18, I was born in Mexico and therefore part of my inspiration for my pieces come form my culture and heritage, since I was 10 I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to art, and now days I'm pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts so I guess I'm going in the right direction. Right?

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Photo of Keisha Arviso Díaz United States

I strongly believe that art is a way of global communication, no matter in what part of the world you are, if your art speaks as loud as what your heart says, it will be heard and understood. That's why I love art, it breaks all the language barriers and social differences that exist.

I love working with acrylics and colored pencils but I also love sculpture, photography and working on high reliefs.

Every piece that I do has love  and thought put into, you may realize that most of my pieces have a meaning behind them so I hope you enjoy that. I appreciate you looking into my art and please stay as long as you want. If you need something you can always message me or send me an email.:)

For now I'll be only selling prints since most of my artwork is done in paper, it's just a personal preference but I promise it's still good quality. If you ever wish to buy an original piece, it will be sent framed and in good conditions, prints will also be sent in this way.

Thank you :)


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